
Fresh Science ®

Two Types of Freshness from the Developers of Windows on Science

There are two types of Fresh Science units: Fresh Science Video Concentrate and Fresh Science Classic.

Fresh Science Video Concentrate is our newest line of products and is a streamlined, concentrated approach to video-based science instruction. Each Video Concentrate unit includes a DVD with compelling visuals and a Teacher's Guide with a to-the-point description for each visual. Fresh Science Video Concentrate is perfect for those teachers who have limited time for science instruction and simply need to cut to the chase in a memorable way.

Fresh Science Classic is our original version of Fresh Science and offers more comprehensive content for those teachers who have a little more time to spend with a topic. Each Fresh Science Classic unit includes a DVD with compelling visuals and a Teacher's Guide with more extensive teacher narrative, ACTIViewer blackline masters for students, as well as reading, writing, hands-on and warm-up activities, and end of unit assessment.

Click on a link for more specific information.

  • Fresh Science Video Concentrate units
    Fresh Science Classic units